Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome Relief Pain-Free Dental Treatment
According to the TMJ Association, 10.8 million Americans suffer from temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ), commonly referred to as lockjaw or jaw popping, at any given time. The condition, caused by an improperly aligned jaw, contributes to a myriad of problems, including neck, shoulder and eye discomfort, tinnitus (ringing of the ears), and most commonly, jaw pain.
Neuromuscular dentistry seeks to cure TMJ by retraining muscles, tissues, and nerves to properly align the jaw at rest. If the jaw is not in proper position at rest, it must work harder to perform basic functions – such as chewing or speaking – and in turn may repeatedly injure surrounding muscles. We specialize in a variety of treatment options, including neuromuscular dentistry, designed to alleviate and eliminate the symptoms of TMJ. To learn more about neuromuscular dentistry and you live in the Connecticut or Springfield and Boston, Massachusetts area, please contact dentist Dr. Peck today.
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