What You Eat for Breakfast Could Influence Oral Health

Traditional nutritional advice would tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Majority of nutritional experts and medical professionals would certainly agree to this statement as what you eat for breakfast could certainly influence your energy levels throughout the day. Here at our Massachusetts dental practice, we often tell our clients that what you eat for breakfast do not just affect your overall health status but also your oral health in particular.

What’s a Smile-Friendly Breakfast Like

If you’ll notice, the most common breakfast choices nowadays include products that are very high in sugar such as cereals and pastries (muffin, anyone?). Too much sugar hanging out in your mouth could lead to dental cavities and plaque when it interacts with the bacteria in your mouth. We’re not saying that you completely restrict yourself from eating these sweets but we highly encourage you to choose a breakfast that is by turns healthy and nourishing. The following are smile-friendly breakfast choices:

  • whole grains like oats, whole wheat bread instead of refined grains

  • fruits and vegetables

  • unsweetened coffee, hot cocoa, orange juice

  • high-protein foods such as eggs, cheese, fish, chicken, and beans

Let us help you come up with a smile-friendly eating plan. If you live around the Springfield or Boston , Massachusetts area, schedule an initial consultation with us! Call us at (413) 241-3264 or fill out this contact form. Dr. David Peck is known for results.


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