Root Planning for the Treatment of Gum Disease
Created on January 14, 2015
If you are one of the many Americans that suffer from advanced gum disease, also known as periodontitis – it is important to know your treatment options. If allowed to grow untreated, periodontitis can lead to intense pain, and costly dental procedures – not to mention potential for complete tooth extractions.
Scaling and root planing are the first stages of treatment for mild to moderate periodontitis. This treatment involved removing tartar and any infection from the pockets of your gum line. Then, the surface of your tooth’s roots will be smoothed out so that the bacteria cannot grow and food debris will kept away from the treatment site. These steps will help stop the advancement of your gum disease.
Many patients choose to have one quadrant of their mouth done at a time to prevent their whole mouth from being sore after treatment. Following treatment an antibiotic will be used to further fight your infection.
If you have symptoms of gum disease and are in need of treatment, contact Dr. David Peck today to schedule your next appointment.
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